Recognize the impact of unexpected changes on children and youth. #4611

Recognize the impact of unexpected changes on children and youth.

Recognize the impact of unexpected changes on children and youth. Provide activities that reflect a welcoming environment for all children, youth and families, regardless of culture, language, or religion, or strengths, talents, and abilities. Explore the importance of supporting children and youth through early childhood education and child care centers.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Recognize the importance of observing and gathering information related to children and youth's development.
  2. Recognize the importance of a positive, responsible, sensitive, and respectful attitude in working with all children and youth and their families.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of how to support all children and youth at times of change, transition, or separation.
  4. Describe strategies and experiences to promote collaboration between child and youth care professionals and programs and other professionals involved in the care and education of all children and youth.
  5. Recognize the importance of demonstrating respect for all diversity and providing activities that reflect a welcoming environment for all children, youth and families, regardless of culture, language, or religion, or strengths, talents, and abilities.
  6. Give examples of ways to apply and model ethical behavior and professional integrity with all children and youth.
  7. Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
  8. Distinguish how to adapt arts and crafts for younger children and children with different abilities.
  9. Recognize that children develop independence at different stages.
  10. Recognize the importance of consistency, continuity, and responsiveness in supporting pro-social behaviors in children.
  11. Give examples of ways to collaborate with other professionals involved in the care and education of all children and youth.
  12. Recognize the importance of a positive and respectful attitude in working with all children and their families.
  13. Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with conduct disorder.
  14. Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with fetal alcohol syndrome.
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