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Explain when to report child abuse #4289
Explain when to report child abuse
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Training for Child Care Providers
CDA Certification
Explain when to report child abuse
Learn when and how to report child abuse and neglect in early childhood education and child care centers. Gain knowledge on identifying signs of child abuse and demonstrate familiarity with the appropriate reporting process.
Trainings incorporating this outcome
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Age group
Infant/ Toddler (1)
Preschool (2)
CDA Subject Areas
Program Operation (1)
Proficiency Level
Basic (2)
Topic Areas
Administration and Management (1)
$0 → $100 (1)
$100 → $200 (0)
$200 → $300 (0)
$300 → $400 (0)
$400 → $500 (0)
$500 → $600 (1)
120 hours courses
12 CEUs
CDA Preschool Credential with Portfolio Review
10 hours courses
1 CEUs
CDA Subject Area 5
Related Outcomes
Identify and understand the requirements of Child Care Subsidy (POC), Child and Adult Food Program, MSDE Child Care Credential, Tiered Reimbursement, and the Child Care Career and Professional Development Fund
Identify the signs of child abuse and neglect and demonstrate knowledge of appropriate reporting process.
Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate child abuse reporting process
Identify types of abuse in infants and toddlers, how to report, and who are mandated reporters.
Explain the different forms and documents needed in child care.
Identify types of abuse, by recognizing sexual abuse
Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development.
Identify types of abuse, by recognizing emotional abuse
Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development. Identify strategies for working with children with special needs
Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development
Explain how theory is reflective in the child care environment.
Identify the signs of child abuse and neglect.
Identify types of abuse, by identifying signs of abuse and neglect
Identify strategies for the child care provider that will promote successful child development.
Identify factors that may influence learning for a child in the family child care environment.
List the steps to complete a report on abuse and neglect.
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