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Identify types of abuse, by recognizing signs of physical abuse #1535
Identify types of abuse, by recognizing signs of physical abuse
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Training for Child Care Providers
CDA Certification
Identify types of abuse, by recognizing signs of physical abuse
Learn how to identify signs of physical abuse and emotional abuse in early childhood education and child care centers.
Trainings incorporating this outcome
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Age group
Preschool (1)
Proficiency Level
Basic (1)
$0 → $100 (0)
$100 → $200 (0)
$200 → $300 (0)
$300 → $400 (0)
$400 → $500 (0)
$500 → $600 (1)
120 hours courses
12 CEUs
CDA Preschool Credential with Portfolio Review
Related Outcomes
Identify types of abuse, by recognizing emotional abuse
Identify types of abuse, by learning its legal definition
Identify the signs of child abuse and neglect.
Identify types of abuse in infants and toddlers.
Identify the different types of portfolios used in child care programs, and the appropriate portfolio components for each type.
Identify types of abuse
Identify types of abuse in infants and toddlers, how to report, and who are mandated reporters.
Identify the signs of abuse and neglect.
Identify different types of barriers for mixed ages with disabilities and ways to adapt curriculum to fit their needs.
Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Identify the symptoms and signs of poor time management in the child care environment.
Identify different types of play.
Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with fetal alcohol syndrome.
Define and identify common signs and behaviors of children and youth with cerebral palsy.
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