Identify if coaching and mentoring is for you. #4547

Identify if coaching and mentoring is for you.

Discover if coaching and mentoring is suitable for you. Learn effective coaching and mentoring strategies. Explore the role of coaching and mentoring in early childhood education and child care centers.

Trainings incorporating this outcome

Related Outcomes

  1. Identify the ways Home visitors take on the role of coach or mentor with families.
  2. Identify strategies for coaching and mentoring individuals with challenging personalities.
  3. List strategies for coaches and mentors on how to apply DEI practices in child care.
  4. Explain various methods of providing performance feedback in coaching and mentoring.
  5. Demonstrate understanding of the importance of professional etiquette while coaching and mentoring.
  6. Identify the characteristics of personalities of effective coaches.
  7. Identify the key elements of an effective staff mentor program.
  8. Explain intercultural communication as it relates to coaching and mentoring.
  9. Identify coaching prerequisites.
  10. Distinguish between the personalities of coaches and mentors
  11. Describe nonverbal communication as it relates to coaching and mentoring.
  12. Identify criteria that should be considered when choosing appropriate transition activities
  13. Identify necessary information and format for a business plan
  14. Identify resources for referral and specialized services
  15. Identify examples of appropriate activities for different ages.
  16. Identify appropriate activities for children birth through age three
  17. Identify significant events surrounding the evolution of early childhood education throughout the world.
  18. Identify strategies for working with children with special needs.
  19. Identify different types of barriers for mixed ages with disabilities and ways to adapt curriculum to fit their needs.
  20. Identify ways to support children’s development using the arts.
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